10 de abril de 2017

How to Heal Your Family

How to Heal Your Family
by Louise Danielle Palmer (featuring Jan Rupp)

Featured in Spirituality & Health magazine
Our fate or destiny can become "entangled" in the fate or destiny of an ancestor because he or she is part of our family system. When we act with blind loyalty to this system, Rupp says, we may unwittingly identify with an ancestor's pain or issue and take it on as our own, or we may re-cre-ate their past trauma in our own lives in order to heal it. This is because all systems seek wholeness and balance. But the family system can function harmoniously only if every person, dead or alive, has a respected place within it.

Read How to Heal Your Family>>

7 de abril de 2017

Constelaciones Jurídicas

Entrevista a la Dra. Cristina LLaguno, Directora del Centro de Constelaciones Familiares y Soluciones Sistémicas de Chile. La doctora LLaguno es abogada recibida de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, mediadora, negociadora, formada por Bert Hellinger en Constelaciones Familiares
Consteladora certificada internacionalmente por la Hellinger Sciencia.

"Constelaciones aplicadas al campo jurídico. Los casos se resuelven mucho más rápido. Se encuentran soluciones sin necesidad de ir a juicio."

"Un claro ejemplo de cómo las Constelaciones familiares aplicadas a casos jurídicos resuelven conflictos sin necesidad de ir a juicio. Utilizado muy eficazmente en mediaciones."

Publicados en YouTube.com. Canal CanalMantra el 9 de mayo de 2009 y el 8 de junio de 2009
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoIF0584J-U
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4H_lT4x-6o

6 de abril de 2017

Systemic Constellations… Every generation blames the one before…..

Systemic Constellations… Every generation blames the one before…..

What  can you do when, despite a deeping self-awareness and possibly years of personal development work, some painful and life-timing patterns still continue to surfece and affect you? It might just be that the root of the problem lies not only with you but also belongs to someone else in your family system. In that's case a Systemic Constellation can be extremely helpful. We spoke to Gaye Donalson, systemic constellation facilitator and Director adn Faculty Member of the Centre for Systemic Constallation to find out more about this valuable and powerful work.


This article appeared in the Hoffman Magazine from The Hoffman Institute.

Publicado en kindredconstellations.com el 29 de abril de 2014

The Living Years

The Living Years - Mike And The Mechanics (subtitulada)

5 de abril de 2017

Where Germans Make Peace with Their Dead

Where Germans Make Peace with Their Dead
By Burkhard Bilger

Through a practice that is part therapy and part séance, children of war come to terms with their history.

Germany’s secrets run dark and deep.
How can a people bent on silence
for so long learn their true history?
Illustration by Miguel Porlan

My great-grandmother Luise Gönner had a keen eye for dead people. She would see them sitting by the side of the road sometimes when she worked in her garden in the morning, or waiting by the village crossroads at dusk, a look of mournful reproof in their eyes. Whether the sight alarmed or consoled her, I can’t say. Luise was born in 1871 and died six months after my mother’s birth, in 1935. I know only the stories about her that my mother heard growing up. She says that Luise was in most ways a sturdy, commonsensical soul, so I like to imagine that she took her visitations in stride: old friends and neighbors stopping by to pick up the conversation where they’d left off.

Herzogenweiler, the village where Luise was born and spent nearly every day of her life, lies in the heart of the Black Forest, hemmed in on three sides by dark ranks of pines. The land belonged to the Prince of Fürstenberg in Luise’s day and was worked by tenant farmers not much better off than serfs. Although the people of Herzogenweiler were deeply devout, theirs was a pre-Reformation sort of Catholicism—a murky brew of folklore, superstition, and pitiless religion. Even the boldest farmers hurried home before nightfall, lest some dire spirit overtake them, and the Devil was more than an idle threat. He was the dark stranger who might come knocking at your door some windy night; the man with the hooded eyes at the end of the bar, lazily flipping a coin in the air.

Luise was the village midwife, so mortality was never far from her mind. The closest doctor was in Villingen, two hours away on foot in the next valley, so she took care of all but the most grievous injuries. The villagers cut lumber for added wages, often in the depths of winter, so mishaps were common: falling timbers, piercing splinters, blades that skipped off bark and bit into ankles and thighs. Luise got used to sending bodies large and small to the walled-in graveyard in the meadow below the village, only to meet them again later on the road.

My mother and my eldest daughter owe Luise their middle name—a keepsake of the Old Country, like a lock of hair or a finger bone. Although they haven’t been known to socialize with the dead, a strain of second sight is said to run in the family. My great-aunt Regina, who was born in Romania, worked as a fortune-teller in Herzogenweiler during the Second World War, scanning coffee grounds and tarot cards for news of fallen soldiers. My mother, too, has had her share of strange premonitions: accidents foretold, telephones answered before the first ring. She’s a historian by training and a sober thinker by nature, but she has never quite shaken her belief in ghosts.

It’s an old German habit of mind, this mixing of the mystical and the scientific. You can see it in medieval sages like Meister Eckhart and Hildegard von Bingen, and in the aisles of any German drugstore, where modern pharmaceuticals sit side by side with homeopathic tinctures. “To our modern way of thinking, this all sounds quite insane,” Rudolf Steiner, the patron saint of organic agriculture and alternative schooling, declared in 1924. He had just urged an audience of Silesian farmers to fertilize their fields with cow intestines stuffed with chamomile blossoms, and stag bladders filled with yarrow root (stag bladders being “almost an image of the cosmos”). Steiner claimed that he, too, could see spirits in his waking life. “Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception,” he wrote, “so does a man develop in himself spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him.”

To my mother, the best evidence of this was a story she often told about her grandmother. In the spring of 1918, Luise was asleep one night in the upstairs bedroom of her farmhouse when she woke to the sound of footsteps outside. The village was deserted at that hour, her daughter and husband asleep. But she knew that shuffling gait and heavy footfall. It could only be Josef, her eldest son, home at last from the war in France. She lurched up in bed to greet him, then stopped and listened again, more intently this time. No. It wasn’t him after all. It was just his spirit come back to pay them a last visit. She lay down and shook her husband by the shoulder. “Jetzt isch de Josef gstorbe,” she told him, in her soft Black Forest dialect. “Now Josef has died.”

A week later, they received word that he’d fallen at Flanders—on the same day that his ghost had passed by.  >> read more >>

Publicado en NewYorker.com el 12 de septiembre de 2016

Family Constellation – why ancestors matter

Family Constellation – why ancestors matter
by Lesley Hallows

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Are there issues at home or at work that just won’t go away, however carefully you think them through and try to resolve them? Have you ever thought of attending a Family Constellation?

Family Constellations, developed in the 1980s and 1990s by German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, use a systemic approach to working with individual issues that can also be applied to businesses and organisations. The types of issues that people bring to a Family Constellations workshop are the same as those presented to coaches, counsellors and psychotherapists. The obvious difference in the approach is that Family Constellations consider issues and challenges, not to mention hopes, dreams and aspirations, from a multi-generational perspective. This work draws on our most basic sense of belonging to a group. This is our inheritance from the animal world and it is still with us in the form of an internal com- pass that tells us when we belong – or when that sense of belonging feels threatened – in relation to groups and systems.
Short-term and solution-focused, Family Constellations create a dynamic snapshot of the system to which we belong by illuminating the relationships between the various elements within it. A system usually contains both ancestral (trans-generational, familial) and sociological (cultural and historical) elements unique to every individual or issue under consideration. By paying attention to the contexts that shaped our parents, grandparents and great grandparents (and therefore ourselves), a map of the entire system can be constructed. From this perspective we are more able to see how things are or were and to see clearly where we are systemically entangled with people and events, including those belonging to wider familial, historical and cultural events. In this way the core of seemingly intractable issues can be accessed and a new vista of connections and possibilities opened as time and space are condensed in front of us.

What happens in a Family Constellation?

In a group of between 8 -16 people a ‘living map’ is created in relation to the issue under consideration, using members of the group who come to support the work or map out an issue of their own. Using the group’s members to ‘stand in’ as parents, grandparents and events, a unique pattern is set up that condenses time and gives clues to the relational and spatial patterns of the system’s members, thus creating a three dimensional image of the issue under consideration. We don’t need the actual people to be present, whom, of course, we can’t change, but we can remember their unrealised potential and their essence in a new and fresh way that supports the restoration of systemic order and balance. By reaching further back into the lives and circumstances of previous generations we can see the bigger picture and a place in it for ourselves that is free from prior limitations and unnecessary suffering.

Once the constellation is set up, with the guidance of a skilled facilitator it can be ‘read’, enabling dynamics, entanglements and loyalties that were previously hidden to be seen clearly. Primarily the approach works with internal memories, images and stories of the people, places and events that shaped our lives and the lives of the generations preceding us. In the initial stage of a Constellation it is common to identify trans-generational attitudes that, although deeply loving and generous, are ultimately unhelpful. These attitudes often transgress the ordering forces that govern systems; for example, guilt and merit belong with those who earned them and cannot be assumed by anybody else. Respectfully handing back guilt to those to whom it belongs is one key theme in Family Constellations, as is including, remembering or honouring people who have been forgotten, ignored, locked away or insufficiently grieved. The facilitator uses various rituals, reordering of the spatial arrangement within the Constellation and healing sentences to resolve entanglements with previous generations. Sentences like, ‘I’ll follow you’, ‘I’ll go in your place’ or ‘Rather me than you’ are examples of a blind love that entangles us. Instead, resolving sentences like, ‘I see your burden and I honour it’ or ‘With respect I’ll leave it with you’, facilitate the process of disentangling identifications by leaving difficult fates with those to whom they belong and bringing the Constellation’s, and the issue holder’s, orientation to the present and future instead of the past.
Family Constellations are, metaphorically, more like homeopathy than surgery. Gratitude, modesty and serenity are important qualities that emerge naturally in most constellations. It is a gentle, soulful method that creates living experiences of something new rather than cognitive insights alone. Any successful intervention in a Family Constellation will be appropriate, strengthening and enduring. Rather than being about individual change the process enables us to live well within systemic limitations.

Who Attends a Living Maps Workshop?

Workshops are suitable for anybody regardless of their experience of Systemic coaching. The approach provides deep levels of resolution for personal issues such as, though not limited to, relationship difficulties, addictions, mood and behavioural issues, eating disorders, and family ruptures. It is also effective in illuminating new directions, structures or futures for businesses or organisations. In addition to those bringing an issue, others may come to act as support people or to be representatives. Counsellors and therapists may come with their clients in order to augment therapeutic work. People from the helping professions may also attend in order to explore the benefits of this systemic approach.

Publicado en WellBeingMagazine.com el 8 de julio de 2014

4 de abril de 2017

La filosofía de Bert Hellinger aplicada al campo jurídico

La filosofía de Bert Hellinger aplicada al campo jurídico
Por la Dra. Cristina Llaguno

Los efectos de la aplicación de la filosofía de los Órdenes del Amor en un área donde culpa, dolo, castigo, responsabilidad, justicia reparatoria se encuentran en permanente interacción.

Se trata de un nuevo método y enfoque fenomenológico-filosófico que abre perspectivas hasta ahora desconocidas en la percepción de conflictos legales y subyacentes entre las partes que litigan y llevan sus diferencias al ámbito jurídico con el fin de resolver su necesidad de justicia, colocando nuevamente en sus manos la responsabilidad de sus decisiones y consecuencias.

La primera presentación pública que realicé de una constelación aplicada al campo jurídico fue en marzo de 2005, en el Centro Bert Hellinger de Argentina. Ese día, asistieron al Centro compañeros de formación en constelaciones, colegas abogados y mediadores, y amigos interesados en conocer un poco más acerca del trabajo con constelaciones.

Luego de la presentación de estilo, uno de los trabajos que se solicitó para constelarse refería a un despido y a la sensación de “intensa injusticia” que vivenciaba el cliente.  >> continuar leyendo >>

Artículo publicado en Notas Periodísticas, blog de Cristina Llaguno de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en mayo de 2008.

Haz el bien... y te imitarán

Haz el bien... y te imitarán

No se trata de hacer el bien para ser visto (eso es fariseísmo), pero es útil saber que, como nos ilustran estas imágenes, aquello de bueno que hacemos ayuda a los demás a hacerlo a su vez.
«Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo» (Mt 22, 39), termina el vídeo.


"¿Por qué el bien se difunde?
El ser humano no está cerrado en sí mismo. Sus acciones repercuten en toda la realidad y especialmente en la vida de las personas que están en nuestro entorno. El bien genera bien y el mal genera mal. Esto lo podemos constatar todos los días en nuestra sociedad, familia y círculo de amigos. Sin embargo sería muy interesante dar un paso más allá y conocer la causa. Hacernos la pregunta: «¿Por qué sucede esto?», ¿por qué el bien simplemente no me afecta solo a mí, por qué se difunde en mi entorno?, ¿por qué pasa lo mismo con el mal?." ~Leticia María

Dato curioso...
Křižovatka is a village and municipality in Cheb District in the Karlovy Vary Region of the Czech Republic. Wikipedia

"Give A Little Love"

Interprete: Noah and the Whale

Well I know my death will not come
'Til I breathe all the air out my lungs
'Til my final tune is sung
That all is fleeting
Yeah, but all is good
And my love is my whole being
And I've shared what I could
But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart

Well my heart is bigger than the earth
And though life is what gave it love first
Life is not all that it's worth
'Cause life is fleeting
Yeah, but I love you
And my love surrounds you like an ether
In everything that you do
But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart

Well if you are (what you love)
And you do (what you love)
I will always be the sun and moon to you
And if you share (with your heart)
Yeah, you give (with your heart)
What you share with the world is what it keeps of you

Video y comentario publicado en Gloria.tv, Canal JAHFuentes el 15 de julio de 2015
URL: https://gloria.tv/video/MBSgJ6G3pr2o2ZybsYy3QGEBF

Letra de la canción publicada en www.azlyrics.com